Monday, March 26, 2007

Time for some brick news. ATTENTION ATTENTION, there is more to brick than rectangular faces. Above is an example of shadow brick, window sills. You can also see other features that appear to be shapes, but are not. The boarder around is the shadow brick and the rounded brick under the window is the window sills, these are the shapes. The boarder on the side of the windows are regular brick turned on ends, this is called a double batt. Two headers of the brick encase the window. On the corners of the home they used regular brick and pulled the brick forward and raked the joint a little. These are called coins. You could use different colored brick, complementary in color, to cause a stronger contrast to show the coins more.

Other common shapes used are step treads, arches (circular-jack- elliptical-gothic and on), hinge brick, water tables, wall copings, and special design pieces. If you plan on using shapes place the order a couple of weeks early so the brick and shapes can be delivered on time.

The moral of this story is to think outside of the rectangle.


Anonymous said...

what type of arch is the curved arch?

Anonymous said...
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Mike Copenhaver said...

This is an elliptical arch.

Anonymous said...

Looks great!